Happy New Year from City Running Tours!


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There’s no beating around the bush; 2020 was not the year we had hoped for. This time last year, we were looking forward to an exciting new decade of making memories with clients and sharing our passions for running and history with as many people as possible. But, as we all know, 2020 had other plans for us.

At City Running Tours, we’ve felt the world’s struggles in the midst of a global pandemic. We shared the anger of millions in the wake of racial injustice. We miss showing our clients our favorite sights on our tours. Just like everyone else, we’ve had to learn to cope with the difficulties this year has thrown at us.

But now, we find ourselves approaching a new year, and we haven’t let the previous one beat us down. Our City Running Tours team has continued to get its miles in, albeit socially distanced. We are continuing to bring the CRT experience to our clients through social media connections, our new blog, and our weekly Instagram Live tours. We may not be together physically, but the memories of past tours, and the hopes for those to come, keep us company, even when we’re by ourselves.

As passionate athletes, we think there are a lot of parallels between life and running. Just like life, running gets tough. It hurts; it sometimes feels monotonous, and we all occasionally find ourselves lacking motivation and wanting to give up. But giving up isn’t an option, and it’s certainly not the solution. In running, quitting only serves to make our struggles worse, but persevering makes us stronger. It’s the toughest miles that teach us the most about ourselves.

Professional runner Ryan Hall wrote a book titled Run the Mile You’re In, which means that, when the run gets tough, don’t think about how much further you have to go, or how far you’ve come. Focusing on putting one foot in front of the other and maintaining the effort is the only way to succeed. We think this strategy applies to life, too. When the going gets hard, we just have to keep at it. 2020 may have been a rough year, but we ended every day having learned a little bit more and gotten a little bit stronger.

As we transition into 2021, we at City Running Tours are choosing not to focus on what we lost. Instead, we’re looking to the future and finding inspiration in the anticipation of all of the amazing runners we will meet, and all of the incredible sights we will see. We have a lot of exciting plans for 2021, and we’re looking forward to creating more connections, and sharing our community with the world.

From all of us at City Running Tours, we wish you a happy New Year!

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