How to be a Tourist in your own City

 For many of us, travel is currently off limits. In these novel COVID times, we’re stuck at home, and any plans to see the world have been pushed to the side for the time being. But that doesn’t necessarily mean we can’t still go exploring. How many opportunities do we have to be tourists in our own city?

A lot of us are too comfortable sticking to the same neighborhoods, eating at the same restaurants, running on the same paths, and the list goes on. Why not try branching out and using the current pandemic climate as a chance to learn more about the cities in which we live? At City Running Tours, we love learning about and discovering new and interesting sights, and we think that passion should extend beyond our tours and into everyday life. Here are our suggestions for how to explore your home city.


Buy a guidebook

Not many of us own a guidebook for the city in which we live. We already know how to get to the places we need to go; we know which restaurants and museums we like, and we know what the major tourist attractions are (even if we never go there). But there’s something to be said for flipping through a guidebook and discovering places we’ve not been to yet. Odds are that, if you live in a relatively large city, there are countless places to visit that you’ve probably never even heard of! Why not open a guidebook to a random page, and whatever sight your finger lands on, that’s where you’ll go! Who knows, you may end up finding something really interesting.


Do some research

We all have that cool old building we pass by on our commute, or that museum we like to go to on the weekends, but do we actually know anything about these places? At City Running Tours we have a passion for history, and we think learning the stories behind the sights around us can provide us a deeper understanding of where we live, and how our cities have changed and progressed over time. Why not make a list of places you’re curious about and do some research on them? Then, the next time you pass by that cool old building, you’ll know exactly how old it is, and what it’s used for. Having that added context can help us better appreciate the world around us.



Try a new restaurant

It’s more important than ever to support the restaurant industry. Food is a major element of the character of a city; it portrays the diversity, creativity, and passion of the people that live there. So, make a list of new restaurants to try. If you feel comfortable, and in-person dining is allowed where you are, treat yourself to a fun meal somewhere you’ve never been before. If takeout is a better option for you, try to pick a restaurant in a neighborhood you’re less familiar with. You can explore a new area of the city while you pick up your food!


Ask friends and family for suggestions

Everyone has different experiences with their city, so it’s a good idea to talk to friends and family about places they enjoy visiting and sights they like to see. It’s highly possible that others’ suggestions will be unique to your own. Once you start visiting these places, be sure to bring your camera, so you can show your loved ones that you listened to their ideas.


 Get outside

At City Running Tours, we believe that there is no better way to see a city than on a run. But many of us find ourselves frequenting the same parks and trails. Try breaking that routine by getting some fresh air at a new location. Maybe there’s a park you’ve never been to, or a path that you haven’t explored. Not only can changing up the scenery help us broaden our knowledge of where we live, the excitement of a new place can also motivate us to get outside and move our bodies.



Happy adventuring!

Many of us are struggling with boredom right now. We’re stuck in the same place, and we have become too accustomed to our neighborhoods. But we forget that the cities in which we live have so many hidden gems that we’ve never experienced before. Now is a perfect time to become a tourist in our own cities. Simply by getting curious and having an urge to explore, we can discover and learn about so many incredible things right in our backyards.

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