Why Running Makes Us Feel Like Ourselves


At City Running Tours, we meet people of all fitness levels and body types. We’ve had clients request a tour of the entire NYC Marathon route; we’ve helped runners stay up to date on their speed workouts, and we’ve jog/walked alongside kids and dogs. But what does every one of our clients have in common? They all enjoy running.

Our CRT guides know that there’s something very special about running. It’s an almost intangible force that keeps us re-tying our shoes every day. We know that running is not easy—even the most accomplished professionals have days that leave them feeling unmotivated and uninspired. And yet, they continue to get their miles in.


So, what is it about running that steals the hearts of amateurs and professionals alike? Why has running created a global community of goal-seekers and PR-chasers? We’ve all heard the term “runner’s high,” but, did you know that running has been scientifically proven to create a chemical reaction in our brains that leaves us wanting more? According to Kelly McGonigal PhD in her TEDx presentation, “Scientists have speculated that endorphins are behind the runner’s high, and studies show that high-intensity exercise causes an endorphin rush.” Some scientists even compare the boosted mood and lowered stress levels that result after a great run with the emotions associated with cannabis use. Running can literally make you feel high!

But on top of the immediate happy feelings that running gives us, the more we run, the more we feel like ourselves. Running is sometimes labeled as a movement mediation—it is a space where we can leave behind our to-do lists and check in with ourselves. When we run, we are forced to pay attention to what’s happening in our bodies and minds. In daily life, it’s too easy to numb ourselves to our true states because we have outside interruptions to distract us. But when we run, we have no choice but to feel our feet landing on the ground and listen to our breathing as it speeds up. When we run, we have to actually look up and notice the world around us.

Sometimes, the run wants to beat us down. We have miles to go, and our legs feel as if they have bricks attached to them. Our breathing is inconsistent and shallow. We want to give up, and we have no choice but to feel those painful sensations. That’s when we get stronger. We find motivation in the toughest moments because we get through them. We become physically and mentally more equipped to handle both the run and life when things get challenging. We learn to listen to our bodies and attune ourselves to the chatter in our minds. This is the magic of running; this is why we continue to stay motivated.

So, at City Running Tours, we can empathize and identify with every single one of our clients, no matter how different they may be from us. Every runner who takes one of our tours shares our passion for the beauty, hurt, strength, and power that is running. Whether we’re running marathons or one mile, we know that we leave the path or trail better, happier people—people who are more able to take on adversity with confidence.

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